School Council
The School Council is a vibrant, active, essential student voice of the school which currently comprises over 60 students from Year 7 to Year 13.
There are seven areas of focus for the School Council which are student-derived and also fit with aspects of the School Development Plan:
- Teaching and Learning
- Ethos
- Mutual Respect
- The Edge (whole student development)
- Eynsham Partnership Academy (EPA) – working with our primary schools
- Environment
- Charities
Each project that the School Council decides on fits into one of these seven areas and is approved by the Headteacher and the Governing Body. Each project lasts in the first instance either 3, 6 or 12 months and each School Council representative may be involved in one or more projects.
The School Council meets formally as a whole body six times a year, with the first meeting of every year being a whole day off-site to plan for the coming year. Project groups also meet with their designated Staff School Council Coordinators in between these meetings as and when needed. The School Council also presents formally to the School’s Senior Leadership Team as well as to the Full Governing Body.
Previous School Council projects have included:
- Anti-Bullying
- Student Stress Busting Week
- Sheltered outdoor areas
- Building and maintaining a school allotment
- Raising the profile of the School Council both in and out of school
- Raising money for charities
- Re-vamping of the schools ‘Respect’ agenda
- Working with the EPA primary schools