Young Carers
At Bartholomew, we are aware that some of our students have caring roles at home and that being a Young Carer can have a significant impact on their lives academically, socially and emotionally.
We believe that all young people should have equal access to education, regardless of what is happening at home. When a young person looks after somebody in their family who has a disability, mental or physical ill-health or substance misuse problem, they may need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school. At Bartholomew we work hard to: identify Young Carers; ensure they feel valued and supported; and improve the support they receive, both in school and in the community, to enable them to be safe, secure and successful.
In 2015 we became the first school in Oxfordshire to be recognised nationally for our work with Young Carers when we received the Young Carers in Schools Gold Standard award.
Specific support we can provide includes:
- we run sessions for young carers to come together to do activities and talk about their caring responsibilities with other students who also have a caring role.
- we can provide students with confidential support and advice in school.
- we will flag up to staff which students have caring responsibilities so that students do not have to keep explaining their situation at home.
- we work closely with the Young Carers service and can put students and their families in touch with them or other support services.
- if Young Carers are unable to attend out-of-school activities due to their caring role, we will consider alternatives.
- we allow Young Carers to telephone home during breaks and luncthimes.
- we include lessons on the challenges faced by Young Carers in Learning for Life in Year 7.
If you feel your child is a Young Carer please contact either their tutor, Head of Year or a member of The Pastoral Hub Team.