Attendance and punctuality
We are very aware of the impact of attendance on achievement, and closely monitor the attendance and punctuality of all students throughout the year.
We will normally send parents/carers information about their child’s attendance three times a year with their Snapshot Report. However, if we have concerns we will contact parents/carers straight away to discuss the issues and ways to resolve them.
Good attendance is essential if any student is to make the most of their ability and perform well in examinations. Absences leave students unsure about their work, finding it hard to catch up. They can become fearful of getting left behind.
Absences can disrupt friendship groups, leaving a student, on their return, to feel left out.
Statistics show that young people who truant are more likely to get into trouble or even danger.
The first question asked when prospective employers or schools/colleges ask for references is often related to attendance. This frequently comes before questions about honesty or examination results.
Department for Education data shows that:
- 93% attendance will give a student a 73% chance of achieving their GCSE target grades
- Below 90% attendance will give students only a 27% chance of achieving their GCSE target grades
- If attendance improves by 1%, attainment improves by 5-6%
Most students regularly achieve 95-100% attendance, with many achieving over 98%.
90% attendance means that a student is missing on average half a day a week; two days per month; four school weeks a year.
A student achieving only 90% attendance from Year 7 to Year 11 will miss half a school year over the five years.
80% attendance means that the student is missing on average one day per week; four days per month; eight school weeks per year.
A student achieving only 80% attendance from Year 7 to Year 11 will miss a whole school year by the end of Year 11.
- We emphasise to students and parents the importance of good attendance
- We recognise good or improved attendance
- We do not authorise absences without a good reason
- We follow up all unauthorised absences
- If attendance problems continue we meet with parents/carers to discuss the way forward. If a number of absences are unauthorised we will consider issuing a fixed penalty notice
- If all measures fail to lead to an improvement in attendance we refer the students to the Local Authority. This may lead to prosecution
Requirements of Parents/Carers
Parents are legally required to make sure that their child attends school regularly. Students should aim for at least 95%.
There are important steps that we ask parents/carers to take in order to support us in this focus on high levels of attendance:
- Ensure that your child attends every day on time, equipped and ready to learn. Tutor time begins at 8.30am and students should be in school by 8.25am.
- Do not take your child out of school for a holiday. This is particularly disruptive for students in Years 10 or above. We are no longer allowed to authorise holidays during term time. Any leave of absence can only be agreed by the Headteacher and only agreed where there are exceptional circumstances.
- Avoid making non-urgent medical appointments during the school day.
- Contact school as early as possible if your child is absent or late, and to send a note with them on their return to school.
- Contact your child’s tutor if they become aware of any reason why their child does not want to come to school.
- Ensure you keep the school updated with your current addresses and telephone numbers.
- Contact the school on each day of your child’s absence and provide an explanatory note on their return to school.
- Respond to letters or telephone calls regarding attendance and punctuality.
To notify us of absences or anything else to do with attendance, please email us, stating your child's name and tutor group:
Years 7 to 11 |
Sixth Form |
12-13attendance@bartholomew.epatrust.org |
It is the policy of the Eynsham Partnership Academy Trust and therefore Bartholomew School not to authorise absence for holidays during term-time. While advance permission can be given in exceptional circumstances, this is rare and can only be authorised by the Headteacher in writing before the absence occurs; you should not assume that permission is granted.
Please read the following communication in full before considering making any application for a student leave of absence during term time. The application form is available as an editable Word document below.
EPA Trust communication re. Penalty Notices for Term-Time HolidaysApplication for Student Leave of Absence During Term Time (Exceptional Circumstances)
Attendance Policy
Our current Attendance Policy can be found on the Policies page