Google Classroom
At Bartholomew School we use Google Classroom for setting homework and sharing information and resources with students. Parents can sign up to receive 'Guardian Notifications' to receive updates about their child(ren)'s work.
Google Classroom support for students
Students at Bartholomew School have a Google Classroom for their year group and each of their subjects, along with any other groups as applicable.
To log in, students should complete the following steps:
- Visit www.google.co.uk
- Click on the ‘Sign In’ button on the top right of the screen
- Input your login name and password where prompted
- Click on ‘Next’
- Click on the ‘Waffle’. This is the grid of nine small grey squares that should be visible at the top right of the screen
- Click on the ‘Drive’ icon. This will take you to your ‘My Drive’ area
- Now click back on the ‘Waffle’ and select the ‘Classroom’ icon. You should now be logged on to Google Classroom!
For any issues accessing Google Classroom students should see their Computer Science teacher or a member of the IT Support Team.
Google Classroom support for parents
Parents and carers are able to receive 'Guardian Notifications' from Google Classroom. We use a user management service via ‘Salamander Soft’ to connect specific details from the school's information system with Google Classroom. Therefore, if you receive an invitation via Salamander Soft, please rest assured that these are legitimate emails and not spam.
We hope that you will choose to accept the invitation to receive updates about your child’s work, and hope that the information below helps to address any immediate questions you may have:
How do guardians get summaries?
- A teacher or admin sends an invitation to a guardian. The emails used are those held on the formal contact records by the school for a particular individual student.
- After a guardian accepts the invitation, they choose when to get email summaries for each of their students.
What’s included in an email summary?
- Missing work - work not turned in when the summary was sent
- Upcoming work - work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)
- Class activity - announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers
- Please note that for work to show as ‘turned in’, students themselves need to click on ‘turn in’ to show that they have completed the assignment. This can be done regardless of whether the work is to be completed on paper and brought into class, or whether the teacher has specifically asked for the activity to be submitted via Google Classroom.
When do guardians get summaries?
Guardians can get emails daily or weekly and can unsubscribe at any time. However, guardians won’t get an email summary if:
- There's no activity to report for the given time period
- All their student’s teachers turned off notifications for their classes
- They accepted the invitation but chose not to get any summaries
- They aren't connected to any student in Classroom
What if I wish summaries to be sent to a different email address?
If you wish to update the email address that we hold for you on the school’s system, please email office.4054@bartholomew.epatrust.org with ‘Update parent / carer email’ in the title.
The school system syncs with Google Classroom regularly, so once any details are updated on our school system, you should receive a new invitation to receive Google notifications.
What if I don’t think I’ve received an invitation to receive notifications?
If you have not received an invitation to receive guardian notifications from Google, then we would be grateful if you could explore the following points before contacting us:
- Checked any junk / spam email folders for the invitation
- Run a search for 'Salamander' in your email search function
- Checked any Gmail accounts that you may use - or even those that you may have used in the past - including their junk folders
- Checked that nobody else is signed into a Google Account on the device you are using - or if they are, check that the invitation email hasn't been diverted to their account
If you are a parent/carer and wish to report an issue with Google Classroom, please contact us via the office: office.4054@bartholomew.epatrust.org