Working with our Local Community
Bartholomew School is located at the heart of Eynsham, a rural West Oxfordshire village midway between Oxford and Witney. We are pleased to work with and support our local community at every opportunity and value this strong relationship.
To keep updated with news and events taking place locally, please see the information below.
Bartholomew Sports Centre
We are privileged at Bartholomew to have a state-of-the-art fitness suite and multi use games area on site which are for dual school and community use. The facilities are run by the leisure company, GLL Better, in liaison with school staff. The sports hall was built in 2007 and offers a wide range of activities throughout the week.Bartholomew Sports Centre
Eynsham Online
Facilities Hire
We are proud to open our facilities to the local community and create spaces for learning, drama, sports and special events. Facility hire is available during the evenings after 4.30pm on Monday to Friday, weekends and school holidays.
To check availability or to arrange a viewing please email office.4054@bartholomew.epatrust.org.
Our sports hall bookings are managed by Better, further details can be found on their website.
Please also refer to our EPA Lettings Policy.