
Public exams can be a stressful time for students and parents/carers and it is important that all those involved are as well informed as possible. The School will make every effort to ensure that our students receive the best possible preparation for their exams, that the administrative arrangements run smoothly, and that exams are conducted in a way that will cause as little stress as possible and help our students achieve their best.

For any queries regarding examinations please do not hesitate to contact our Exams Officer, Mrs Knox via email: lrknox@bartholomew.epatrust.org

Examinations 2024-2025

Mock Examinations

Year 10 Mock Timetable 24th March 4th April

Summer Examinations

Summer 2025 Examinations TimetableExam Boards & Specifications 2025

JCQ Contingency Day

The summer 2025 exam period will run from Tuesday 6th May to Friday 20th June. However, students should be aware that as part of the summer exam series, a ‘contingency’ exam day has been announced by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). The designated contingency day for summer 2025 is Wednesday 25th June. This means that all exam candidates must remain available to sit exams from the date of their first exam until Wednesday 25th June 2025. This is not a Bartholomew School decision and applies to all candidates in all schools. Please can students, parents and carers make a note of the contingency exam date in the event that an awarding body needs to invoke its contingency plan, as it is vital that students are not absent from any rearranged papers.


If you wish to re-sit a GCE exam at Bartholomew School in the summer 2025 examination season, please contact our Exams Officer, Mrs Knox, either by email: lrknox@bartholomew.epatrust.org or telephone: 01865 881430 ext.1027.

Students may want to take qualifications in their home languages, both at GCSE and GCE. We are happy to facilitate this at Bartholomew School.

For more information please contact the Exams Officer in the autumn term.

The window to apply will be open from Monday 18th November 2024 to 12 noon Thursday 23rd January 2025

Please note all private entries will incur a fee.

Collection of Exam Certificates

Collection of 2024 and Historical Exam Certificates

The Summer 2024 GCSE and GCE A Level Certificates are available for collection. GCE A Level and GCSE students who have left the school can collect their certificates from reception during school hours (8.30am to 3.45pm). Current Year 12 students are able to collect their GCSE certificates from the Sixth Form Office.

If your certificates are from previous exam seasons, please contact the exams office to arrange collection.

We do not post certificates as JCQ regulations advise they are collected and signed for in person.

PLEASE NOTE: Certificates will be kept in storage for 3 years, if certificates are not collected by then they will be destroyed under JCQ guidelines and the cost of any replacements will be the responsibility of the candidate.


If you cannot collect your certificates yourself, you can nominate a third party to do this on your behalf.

Please complete, print and sign the below Exam Certificates Third Party Permission Slip and ask your nominated person to present it to a member of staff in reception when they arrive, ensuring that they have brought along an official form of identification, such as a driver's licence.Exam Certificates Third Party Permission Slip

JCQ Notices 2024-2025


The School has a number of examination policies which are available upon request.

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