Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Bartholomew is broadly categorised as follows:
Universal is what should be available to all learners through good quality, inclusive teaching which considers the learning needs of all the students in the classroom.
This includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment.
Targeted outlines specific, additional, and time-limited interventions provided for some students who are falling behind the age expected level.
Targeted interventions are often aimed at a group of students with similar needs.
Specialist is highly personalised provision for a small percentage of students who require a high level of additional support/specialised provision in order to address their needs.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) is: Mr Ryan Lloyd
Our Deputy Special Educational Needs Coordinator is: Mrs Olga Jesior-Tiffert
Our Assistant Headteacher with oversight of inclusion is: Mr Ryan Lloyd
To contact any member of the team please follow this link to our enquiry form
SEND Information Report November 2023Bartholomew School SEND Provision Map
Information about local support services in Oxfordshire ('SEND' local offer) and what they offer
Please click on the image below to learn more about the Bartholomew School Gold Standard for Adaptive Teaching.