Year 6 into 7 Transition
At Bartholomew we pride ourselves on the quality of the care, guidance and support we provide our young people as they make the transition from their primary school to become part of our inclusive school community. The transition process at Bartholomew is recognised as a leading example of how well primary and secondary schools can work in partnership to support students and families over both the short and long term for academic success and personal development.
We hold three transition days for Year 6 during which children have an opportunity to take part in fun activities with pupils from other schools, helping to make friendships and become familiar with their new school. Throughout the year we also run several EPA partnership events for other year groups, led by our PE department and Sports Leaders. These are a successful way of helping bridge the gap between primary and secondary school.
We very much look forward to welcoming you to our community. If you have any questions regarding the transition arrangements that relate to your child please contact Ms Elder, Head of Year 7 and Key Stage 2 to 3 Transition Lead via our main office: office.4054@bartholomew.epatrust.org
A Bartholomew School Transition Booklet is given to every new Year 7 child and contains useful information to help them navigate their way in their new school:
For a list of transiton days please refer to the Year 7 Admissions Timeline on our Admissions page.