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Bartholomew School GCSE Results 2024

Posted on: 22/08/2024

Congratulations to all involved in another year of excellent results at Bartholomew School, which is testament to students' hard work and the support provided by home and school. We are delighted!

Results (including equivalent Level 2 BTEC)

% Grades at 8 or 9                                26%

% Grades at 7+                                     41%

% Grades at 4+                                     84%

% of students with 4+ English & Maths    80%

% of students with 5+ English & Maths    67%


Provisional Progress 8 score



Exceptional Performance at GCSE

4 students achieved all Grade 9s

25 students achieved 9 or more Grades 7, 8 or 9


National Context 2024

% Grades at 7+ at Bartholomew: 41%  (National figure: 21%)

% Grades at 4+ at Bartholomew: 84%  (National figure: 67%)

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