Year 9 Options

During Years 10 and 11 the curriculum becomes more flexible allowing students to tailor their learning experience to better fit their personal needs and interests.  The key purpose of learning remains to equip our future adult citizens with the basic skills and knowledge that will be required to succeed in an ever-changing future; a future of lifelong learning and opportunity for which we must all be prepared.

The Year 9 Options process consists of two stages: the first involves an initial survey, through which students can give us an idea of the subjects they are likely to want to study, followed by a second stage through which students select their final choices from a fixed grid.

Students are supported throughout the process and we encourage them to have conversations with their subject teachers and tutor.  We will advise when information is updated on this page as we progress through the process. 

Year 9 Options logo 2025

 **Stage Two now live – scroll down** 



Thursday 23rd January              

Initial letter to parents and carers outlining the process

Thursday 30th January

Virtual Year 9 Parents Evening via SchoolCloud from 4pm - 7pm
Tuesday 4th February                                                      

Year 9 Options - Stage One goes live, including:

  • Options booklet
  • Initial Survey online form

Monday 10th February 

Deadline for completion of the initial survey online form
Tuesday 4th March

Year 9 Options – Stage Two goes live and includes:

  • Final Options online form (to be completed by 10th March)
Wednesday 5th March

Options Evening, 6.00pm - 7.30pm in the Main Hall, including:

  • Chance to discuss with representatives of each department
  • Options Talk with Mr Wood at 6.15pm and 7.00pm in the Lecture Theatre
Monday 10th March Deadline for completion of the final options online form


Please click on the drop down menu below to reveal the information for each stage of the process:

Stage One

Please click on the image below to view the Options Booklet:

Year 9 options booklet front cover

The booklet is also available to download:

KS4 Options Guidance Booklet 2024-25 PDF

Once the above information has been reviewed, students are asked to submit the Initial Survey Form to give an indication of subjects they wish to take, which enables the Final Options Grid to be created.

This stage has now been completed.

Stage Two

Stage Two of the options process is when students make their final decisions about the subjects they wish to study at GCSE and BTEC. 

Following initial conversations with subject teachers at the recent Parent Consultation Evening, we invite all Year 9 students and their parents/carers to come along to our Year 9 Options Evening, which this year will be held on Wednesday 5th March 2025. After this events, students make their final choices.

Final Options Grid 2025

Final options grid 2025

Final Options Form

In addition to the core subjects (English, Mathematics, Science) students may choose an additional four subjects. We also ask that students select a reserve subject, which should be in the same column as a subject they would be happy to replace.

The deadline for submission of the Final Options Form is Monday 10th March 2025

Throughout the options process students receive support and guidance from their tutors and subject teachers. If you are a Year 9 parent/carer and have a question about the options process, please get in touch via: indicating ‘Year 9 Options’ as the subject.

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