Politics A Level gives students the chance to learn about the institutions, actors and processes that shape politics in both the UK and USA. It also introduces them to some of the main ideological traditions in western political thought and a range of key thinkers, including Locke, Burke, Marx, and Freidan.
Lessons routinely link to issues and developments in the news, such as the latest election results and the current performance of leading politicians and their parties, so students are encouraged to become keen observers of the political scene. We follow the Edexcel syllabus and students sit three exam papers at the end of Year 13, made up of essays and source response questions. We take students on a visit to parliament and attend other study days when possible, including the Congress to Campus event at Oxford University.
If you have any questions about our curriculum please contact us via the main office or use our Enquiry Form.
YEAR 12 |
YEAR 13 |
Examination Board and Specifications
Please also refer to our Exams page for further information.
Key Stage 5
- GCE A Level Politics: Pearson/Edexcel Exam Board (course code 9PL0A, search 'A level Politics')