Drama is a lively subject where students not only gain acting skills but also develop confidence, independence in learning and effective team work. To enable students to experience live theatre, the department offers a range of theatre visits as well as inviting professional companies into school.
In Key Stage 3, students are introduced to scripts, devising and a range of styles and genres of theatre. They can also participate in Drama Club to further enhance their skills and enjoyment of the subject. Please also see our Key Stage 3 Extension Reading Journey.
In Key Stage 4, students follow the AQA GCSE Drama specification. They study a range of texts and drama styles, and have opportunities to work with lighting, sound, costume or props during the two years to enhance their understanding of theatre, performance and production. There are three components including a written exam, a devised project with portfolio and a scripted performance. Many theatre trips are also on offer.
In Key Stage 5, students follow the AQA A Level Drama specification exploring drama as a practical art form. They create, perform and respond to texts and stimuli, developing their creativity and independence in order to become effective theatre makers. This involves the in-depth study of a range of theatrical styles, periods and historical, social and cultural contexts.
If you have any questions about our curriculum please contact us via the main office or use our Enquiry Form.
YEAR 7 |
YEAR 8 |
YEAR 9 |
YEARs 10 & 11 | GCSE AQA Exam Specification |
YEARs 12 & 13 |