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A Level results day 2024

Posted on: 15/08/2024

Congratulations to all Year 13 students who received their A Level and Level 3 results today - we are so proud of you all! 

We are delighted to report the following A Level grades achieved by our students:

A*/A 39%

A*/B 65%

A*/C 85%

A*/E 99.7%

In addition, 100% of BTEC entries secured Distinction*, Distinction or Merit grades.

We are so happy for our students that all their efforts and hard work have enabled them to secure a wide variety of exciting future pathways. These include places at universities and higher education institutions, degree apprenticeships, pathways into employment - plus some really interesting gap year plans! We would also like to thank our staff and the students' parents and carers for all their support during the students' time in Sixth Form.

Amongst the many individual success stories, it was wonderful to note that of the seven students that secured entry to Oxbridge for 2024, this included two sets of twins (pictured below). Jake is going to Cambridge to read Engineering whilst twin brother Barney is off to Oxford to read Physics. Then brothers Felix and Herbie are both off to Cambridge to read English and Natural Sciences, respectively. 

A Level results day 2024 twins off to Oxbridge

Congratulations also go to Dylan (reading Chemistry at Oxford), Inês (reading Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge) and Luke (reading History and Russian at Cambridge). 

We wish all our leavers the very best for a bright, exciting and happy future. 

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